Jonas Lähnemann
enior Scientist
Paul Drude Institute for Solid State Electronics
Berlin, Germany
On these pages you can find:
Information on my academic background
Pictures, mainly from trips and time abroad
Reports from my time studying in Kenya
Impressions from the time of my volunteer service in Israel
Information concerning my Flevo recumbent bicycle
Useful resources
A listing of my favourite open-source software.
A summary of publisher policies concerning the posting of electronic preprints.
Selected publications
J. Lähnemann, et al.
Carrier Diffusion in GaN: A Cathodoluminescence Study. III. Nature of Nonradiative Recombination at Threading Dislocations
Phys. Rev. Appl. 17, 024019 (2022)
[DOI:10.1103/PhysRevApplied.17.024019] [arXiv:2009.14634] [BibTeX] [PDF / © APS; download for personal use only]
J. Lähnemann, et al.
Correlated nanoscale analysis of the emission from wurtzite versus zincblende (In,Ga)As/GaAs nanowire core-shell quantum wells
Nano Lett. 19, 4448 (2019)
[arXiv:1903.07372] [BibTeX] [ACS author link]
J. Lähnemann, et al.
Near-infrared intersubband photodetection in GaN/AlN nanowires
Nano Lett. 17, 6954 (2017)
[DOI:10.1021/acs.nanolett.7b03414] [arXiv:1710.00871] [BibTeX] [ACS author link]
J. Lähnemann, et al.
Luminescence associated with stacking faults in GaN (topical review)
J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 47, 423001 (2014)
[DOI:10.1088/0022-3727/47/42/423001] [arXiv:1405.1261] [BibTeX]
J. Lähnemann, et al.
Direct experimental determination of the spontaneous polarization of GaN
Phys. Rev. B 86, 081302(R) (2012)
[DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.86.081302] [arXiv:1201.4294]
[PDF / © APS; download for personal use only] [BibTeX]
More publications
Recent talks
Revisiting the determination of the carrier diffusion length in GaN from cathodoluminescence spectroscopy (invited)
November 2023, 14th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors (ICNS), Fukuoka, Japan
LumiSpy for Processing Luminescence Spectroscopy Data (invited tutorial)
June 2023, IUMAS8 -- Open-Source Data Analysis Workshop, Banff, Canada
Acousticoelectric transport in a single (In,Ga)As nanowire imaged by hyperspectral cathodoluminescence mapping (invited talk)
March 2023, 2nd Workshop on Cathodoluminescence and Electron Beam Induced Current of Semiconductor Nanostructures, Grenoble, France
Nature of Nonradiative Recombinationat Threading Dislocations in GaN (contributed talk)
October 2022, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, Berlin, Germany
Emission properties of quantum well shells on zincblende and wurtzite nanowire segments (invited talk)
September 2021, European Materials Research Society (EMRS) Fall Meeting, Warsaw, Poland
More talks and conference presentations